Ryukin Fish Are Peaceful And Unique
Ryukin goldfish is a peaceful, playful, and very active goldfish with a unique body shape that has a Read more
Ryukin Goldfish is a type of goldfish characterized by several bumps on its head. This unique fish often symbolizes good luck and prosperity in many cultures, including China. It has a short body with broad shoulders and fins.
Common Name
Japanese Ribbontail Goldfish, Fringetail Goldfish, Fantail Goldfish, Veiltail Goldfish
Conservation Status
Extinct (EX)
Scientific name
Carassius auratus
Carassius auratus
Ryukin goldfish is a peaceful, playful, and very active goldfish with a unique body shape that has a Read more
Product Offers for Ryukin Goldfish Care: Hikari Saki Fancy Goldfish Fish Food, or find other offers here